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Latest News
  • 09 December, 2021

    Night of Excellence

    It was fantastic to be able to gather as a school community for our Night of Excellence Awards at Hawthorn Town Hall last night. Congratulations to all Year 7 to 12 Academic Endeavour, Academic Excellence and Honour Award winners, and to our Community Award recipients! A very special thank you to our keynote speaker for the evening, 2021 Notable Alumna, Amanda Holt, née Spithill (Class of 1994). ...

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  • 27 October, 2021

    Arts Exhibition Awards 2021

    Congratulations to Alexandra Yarak of Year 12 Studio Arts who was announced as the People's Choice Award winner for her illustrations, Whimsy and Radiance. We also recognise Amelie Buhagiar of Year 12 Studio Arts who won the Principal's Choice Award with her canvas series, We the People. To access the exhibition, click here. For tips on navigating the exhibition, click the "i" in top right...

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  • 18 October, 2021

    Siena College named as a 5 star Innovative School by The Educator

    We are thrilled to announce our selection as one of The Educator's 5 star Innovative Schools for 2021. This award recognises schools who have taken an imaginative approach to pandemic-enforced restrictions and equipped their students with the ability to thrive in the modern world, setting them on a path of lifelong learning.Recently we embarked on a comprehensive and innovative Alumnae Mentoring s...

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  • 12 October, 2021

    Cabaret Night

    Join us on Thursday evening for our annual Cabaret Night, featuring virtual performances by our Guitar Ensemble, piano soloists, and vocalists! Click this link to join the Zoom Cabaret Night webinar at 7.00pm on Thursday, 14 October 2021: 977960

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  • 05 October, 2021

    Giving Day is Now Live!

    Our 2021 Give Possibility Giving Day has now commenced! With your support we can give the gift of a Siena College education to three needs-based students. All donations, big and small, will help us reach our target of $150,000. Every donation made today will be DOUBLED by our generous matching donors (i.e. if you give $50 it becomes $100, a gift of $500 becomes $1,000!). DONATE at giving.siena...

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  • 07 September, 2021

    Antonio de Montesinos Awards 2021

    Our Year 12 Public Speaking Captain Amanda Marasco was an eloquent host of last week's Antonio de Montesinos competition. Congratulations to Tia McCann (Year 8), this year's winner, who spoke so passionately in her speech entitled "The Possibility of a Dream": "Dreams carry more possibilities than we often imagine. When we dream for something more in our own world we are finding hope, comfort and...

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