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Latest News
  • 15 March, 2023

    Two More Days Left! Stand A Chance to Win A Flight Centre Voucher (RRP: $14,990)

    TWO MORE DAYS till the annual SPA Raffle Draw on Friday, 17 March 2023! Enter the draw to win a Flight Centre voucher (RRP: $14,990) or a year's worth of tuition fees for Siena College! A reminder that everyone is welcome to purchase a Raffle ticket and don't forget that this year's SPA Raffle is digital: proceeds raised will go towards sup...

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  • 14 March, 2023

    Fundraising for Project Compassion

    The College has been buzzing with fundraising activities such as the Dianella Bake Sale and House Coin Line Competition in support of the 2023 Caritas Australia Project Compassion campaign. Students across the four Houses collected and arranged coins to form a line that is almost ninety-nine metres long! Wonderful result for a fantastic cause. You can support our Project Compassion fundraising e...

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  • 14 March, 2023

    FIRE Carriers Forum at Siena College

    Last week, Siena College hosted the 2023 FIRE (Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education) Carriers Forum. Over one hundred and thirty students from eighteen FIRE Carrier schools throughout Melbourne and Geelong participated in workshop sessions facilitated by Aunty Vicki Clark OAM and Opening The Doors Foundation. It was a fantastic day networking with like minded individuals who are passi...

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  • 09 March, 2023

    Year 7 Dominican Day

    During Dominican Day last Thursday, our Year 7s took part in a full day's worth of activities to connect with our Dominican story through the lens of our 2023 College Theme, Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.

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  • 09 March, 2023

    Celebrating Women at Siena College

    To commemorate International Women's Day (IWD), our students have been generating conversation during Wellness session, recognising and celebrating women and girls who are championing the advancement of transformative technology and digital education. In conjunction with the 2023 IWD theme, DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality, we invited Siena alumna, Liz Bevan (Class of 1986)...

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  • 08 March, 2023

    AGSA International Women’s Day Breakfast

    Last Friday, our Year 12 student leaders together with Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching, Donna Laughlin and Head of Student Formation, Peta Mackintosh attended the International Women’s Day Breakfast organised by the Alliance of Girls' Schools Australasia. This year, the event celebrates embracing equity, diversity and inclusion. It was a wonderful experience hearing from three inspiring wo...

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