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Latest News
  • 27 February, 2023

    St Bridget's Primary School ASPIRE Program

    We recently welcomed students from St Bridget's Primary School to work with our Scientist in Residence, Siena alumna Dr Lorien Parker (Class of 1999) on STEAM based activities, alongside our student mentors. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) education is an integrated curriculum designed to equip students with knowledge in these five disciplines whilst gaining valu...

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  • 27 February, 2023
  • 24 February, 2023

    Pay Attention. Be Astonished. Tell About It.

    During our weekly Staff Professional Learning, Director of Formation, Sr Sheila Flynn OP led us in a session on 'Our Dominican Story' and how it all ties in with our 2023 College Theme, Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. This year’s College Theme encourages each one of us to look into our hearts, lean into our potential and live into our promise. As Dominicans, we need to pay attention...

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  • 23 February, 2023

    Ash Wednesday

    Siena College staff and students gathered in their House Groups for prayer services on Ash Wednesday. To mark the beginning of the Lenten season, ashes blessed at St Dominic's Parish were distributed and the 2023 Caritas Australia Project Compassion campaign was also launched. This year's theme, For All Future Generations reminds us that the good we do today extends to impact the lives of generati...

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  • 20 February, 2023

    Don’t Miss Out on Our Latest Podcast Episodes

    SienaCast is a collaboration between students and staff which aims to give voice to our College community on issues of significance and importance to us all. At the heart of SienaCast is our motto, Veritas (Truth).Don’t Miss Out on Our Latest Podcast Episodes! Subscribe to 'SienaCast' on the Apple Podcasts app or if you are an Android user, download the SoundCloud app. Alternatively, you can fo...

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  • 17 February, 2023

    2023 Fiesta Competition

    This afternoon, the Siena community gathered together in anticipation for the 2023 Fiesta (House singing and dancing competition) performances. Well done to all students for attending rehearsals consistently over the last few weeks, as well as the remarkable efforts in preparing props, sourcing costumes and maintaining enthusiasm. Congratulations to Waratah for being the 2023 Fiesta overall ...

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