Term 2, Issue 04: Career News | Siena College


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Career News

Last Thursday evening, Siena College hosted the annual Careers Showcase. Forty alumnae presented in panels at the Showcase, representing twelve career categories such as Allied Health, STEAM, Business and Creative Arts and Design, to name a few. Parents and students had the opportunity to attend three panels and learned about the alumnae's experiences post Siena, be it the tertiary studies they have undertaken or the varied career paths they have embarked on.

The evening showcased the achievements and success of our Siena alumnae. It was a wonderful way to connect past and present students through the sharing of experience and knowledge, which is what the Siena spirit is all about.

    Items in this edition of include:

    • Important dates to take note of in Term 3
    • Information on Army Support Gap Year
    • Information on pursuing a Real Estate career
    • Information sessions by Richmond Institute of Sports Leadership
    • Holmesglen-Saints Sports Program
    • News from ACU
      - Four New Commerce Degrees in 2022
      - New Double Degree in Criminology and Law
    • Environmental Science Degrees in Victoria in 2022
    • Snapshot of The University of Melbourne (UoM) in 2022

    Clare Timmins

    Head of Careers
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