Term 2, Issue 4 - Siena Career News | Siena College


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Siena Career News

The last edition of for this term is jam packed with information and resources to assist students navigate their career journey.

It was unfortunate that our Annual Careers Showcase had to be rescheduled, but we can look forward to hearing from our notable alumnae in August, right around the time students are making decisions about subject selection and university preferences. Come prepared with all of your questions about particular careers and tertiary courses!

In Siena Career News you can read about new tertiary courses, early offer programs (for Year 12s), a great GAP Year program with ADF and the answer to a popular question: the difference between Commerce and Business at university.

Enjoy reading and have a great break!

• News from ACU
o Undergraduate Psychology – What You Need to Know
o Sports Courses at ACU
o ACU Guarantee Program
o Studying Nutrition at ACU
• Bachelor of Arts Screen: Production at AFTRS
• Diploma of Paramedical Science at VU
• News from Monash University
o Do it with DATA: Tackling Climate Change
o Six ways to study Primary Education at Monash
o Engineering Makerspace
o Stories from Creative Arts and Architecture Graduates
o Discover Business Interactive Event
o Bachelor of Criminology
• News from Federation University
o New Courses on Offer in 2022
o Bachelor of Education Studies
• Bond University Year 12 Entry for 2022 - Early Offers
• Army Support Gap Year 2022
• STEM Hub
• Business Degrees in Victoria in 2021
• Commerce Degrees in Victoria in 2021
• Snapshot of ACU in 2021

    Clare Timmins

    Head of Careers
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